Beginning of a field study at the Guichet d’accès en santé mentale adulte of CLSC Saint-Michel in Montreal

Our collaboration with CIUSSS de l’Est-de-l’Île-de-Montréal has enabled us to conduct an observational study at the Guichet d’accès en santé mentale adulte (GASMA) de Saint-Léonard / Saint-Michel. The aim is to understand how this service operates, the trajectory of service requests, the processes and software involved, the role of employees, etc.

In particular, this involves familiarizing ourselves with how requests are received, how requests are analyzed by the people in charge of triage, assessment and referral, and the methods used to contact and reach users.

Thanks to this information gathering, we are seeking to identify the areas of opportunity that are most valuable for improving and simplifying the work of practitioners and, consequently, the quality of experience offered to mental health users, so that the Mentallys solution responds to realities on the ground.


The Mentallys platform is completed and enters the pilot phase
Mentallys has developed a solid and promising business model