Mentallys collaborates with UQAM’s Computer Science Department and Sidekick Interactive

The Mentallys mobile app will be developed first for the Android system, for reasons of accessibility and because the project is too complex to consider simultaneous development on Android and iOS. Initially, the app will be developed entirely at UQAM, in the Computer Science Department, thanks to our collaboration with Professor Sylvie Trudel, under the supervision of the technology company Sidekick Interactive.
This approach allows us to remain totally autonomous in software development in the early stages of the project, when it is necessary to maintain a significant exploratory component in line with our general codesign approach, which requires constant adjustments to the prototype.
Nevertheless, it’s crucial to benefit from the expertise of an experienced technology company like Sidekick in order to be in line with industry standards, especially in a project like Mentallys where cybersecurity and privacy issues are essential.
Thanks to a unique collaboration between the UQAM School of Design, the UQAM Computer Science Department and Sidekick Interactive, we are able to define an original method of early collaboration between design and software engineering. Thanks to a dozen student research assistants, the UX/UI design is created at the École de design (via the Chaire Diament), the code is produced at the Département d’informatique and supervised and validated by Sidekick Interactive.