Mentallys joins Esplanade’s Collision program to define its entrepreneurial approach

Mentallys has been selected to participate throughout the fall of 2021 in Esplanade Québec’s 7th Collision cohort, focused on community health. Collision is a three-month program designed to support the structuring of an entrepreneurial approach rooted in social innovation.
The Collision program will enable us to test the first ideas to emerge from the codesign workshops conducted between January and June 2021 (desirability) and improve our entrepreneurial approach (viability). The ultimate goal is for Mentallys to move out of the world of university research and become a service offered to the general public.
Mentallys team members taking part in the program are Stéphane Vial (principal investigator, project leader, professor at UQAM’s École de design), Alexandre Coutant (collaborator, communication professor at UQAM), Sandrine Prom Tep (collaborator, marketing professor at ESG UQAM) and Laurence Paquette (collaborator, UX/UI designer, doctoral student at Université Laval).