Mentallys joins IUSMM Research Center’s digital mental health expertise

Stéphane Vial is appointed full researcher at the Centre de recherche de l’Institut universitaire en santé mentale de Montréal (CR-IUSMM). Mentallys becomes a digital mental health research-innovation project supported by Centre Axel.
As part of the CIUSSS de l’Est-de-l’Île-de-Montréal, CR-IUSMM is a renowned mental health research centre, working to develop promising avenues for understanding mental illness and developing new therapies. One of these avenues is the Centre Axel, a facilitator of digital innovation in mental health [of which Stéphane Vial became co-director in 2024, Editor’s note].
The Centre Axel aims to accelerate the development, validation, technology integration and adoption of innovative non-pharmacological approaches to prevention and cure. This approach is 100% aligned with that of Mentallys, which aims to improve the experience of accessing mental health care through an innovative mobile app.