Mentallys presents itself: cocktail party at the Centre de design de l’UQAM on November 1 at 6 p.m

The Chaire Diament team will officially present Mentallys for the first time, at a cocktail event at the Centre de design de l’UQAM on Wednesday, November 1, 2023 at 6pm. We will unveil the concept and identity of the Mentallys platform, the first version of which is planned for 2024.

We look forward to welcoming you to the main hall of the Centre de design de l’UQAM, in the middle of the “Artisanat industriel” exhibition, to present Mentallys.

Mentallys is a great ambition. We aim to become the digital gateway to mental health care and self-care in Quebec.

Mentallys is a process. We use codesign with people living with or who have experienced a mental health problem, peer support workers and healthcare professionals.

Mentallys is a community. We are researchers, designers, students, innovators, health public services, community organizations, foundations.

Grab a drink and a bite on your way in, and find out who we are and what we’re doing to transform access to mental health care in Quebec.

Our mental health deserves the very best.


The Mentallys platform is completed and enters the pilot phase
Mentallys has developed a solid and promising business model